How to Verify Servers are Running in Verastream Host Integrator

  • 7021540
  • 09-Feb-2006
  • 02-Mar-2018


Verastream Host Integrator version 7.5 or higher


This technical note explains how to check that the Verastream Host Integrator (VHI) server components are running on Windows or UNIX/Linux systems.



The following table describes the server runtime processes on Windows platforms.

VHI Server Component
Service Name
Session Server
Verastream Host Integrator Session Server
- sesssrvr.exe
- atstart_server.exe
- clrscriptserver.exe

Log Manager
Verastream Host Integrator Log Manager
- VHILogmgr.exe
- atstart_logmngr.exe (7.5) or atstart_logmgr.exe (7.5 SP1+)

Management Server
Verastream Management Server [vms]
- wrapper-windows-x86-32.exe
- java.exe

Web Server
Verastream Host Integrator Web Server
- wrapper-windows-x86-32.exe
- java.exe

Host Emulator
Verastream Host Emulator [hostemulator]
- wrapper-windows-x86-32.exe
- java.exe

The square bracketed values are alternative names that may be displayed on the Services tab in Windows Task Manager.

Using the Services Snap-in

Use the following steps to verify the VHI services are running on Windows:

  1. Click Start > Control Panel > [System and Security] > Administrative Tools > Services. The steps may vary depending on your operating system version and configured Control Panel view.

Note: An alternative is to enter services.msc in a Command Prompt window, search box on the Start menu, or the Run dialog opened from the Start menu (depending on your operating system and configuration).

  1. Look for the Service Name values listed in the table above.
  2. Verify the Status is "Started."

Note: This view does not automatically refresh if the status changes. Refresh the view to display the current status.

Using Task Manager

Use the following alternative steps to verify the VHI services are running on Windows:

  1. Press Ctrl+Alt+Del (or Ctrl+Alt+End in a Remote Desktop session).
  2. Click Task Manager or Start Task Manager, depending on your operating system.
  3. Click the Processes tab.
  4. Look for the executables listed in the table above.

Using Process Explorer

Microsoft Sysinternals Process Explorer is a free tool that enables you to distinguish between multiple processes using the same executable, and view process tree relationships.

  1. Download from, open or unzip it, and run procexp.exe.
  2. In the Process pane, look for the executables listed in the table above.
  3. Hover the mouse pointer over the process name for additional information, including service name.


The following table describes the server runtime components on Linux, Solaris, and AIX platforms:

VHI Server Component
Name in atstart
Argument for atping
Session Server
Log Manager
Management Server
Web Server
Host Emulator

Using atstart

Use the following steps to verify the VHI servers are running on UNIX/Linux systems:

  1. Log in as root, or su to root.
  2. At the shell command prompt, run the atstart -status command from the /opt/attachmate/verastream/hostintegrator/bin directory.
  3. Verify the components, as identified in the table above, are listed as Started.
LogMgr      Started 
Server      Started 
HostEmul    Started 
MgmtServer  Started 
WebServer   Started

Using ps

This alternative method can be performed by non-administrative users:

  1. At the shell command prompt, run a ps command to list VHI processes. For example:
ps xf | grep –i verastream
ps xf | grep –i atstart
  1. Verify processes are listed similar to the examples below.
3897 ? Ssl 0:00 bin/atstart -start server
3900 ? Sl 0:03 /opt/attachmate/verastream/hostintegrator/bin/sesssrvr
3863 ? Ssl 0:00 bin/atstart -start logmgr
3867 ? Sl 0:00 /opt/attachmate/verastream/hostintegrator/etc/../../java/jdk1.6.0_29/jre/… com/wrq/apptrieve/logmanager/LogManager…
3788 ? Sl 0:00 /opt/attachmate/verastream/managementserver/bin/./wrapper-linux-x86-32 /opt/attachmate/verastream/managementserver/bin/../conf/container.conf wrapper.syslog.ident=vms…
3717 ? Sl 0:00 /opt/attachmate/verastream/hostintegrator/hostemulator/bin/./wrapper-linux-x86-32 /opt/attachmate/verastream/hostintegrator/hostemulator/bin/../conf/container.conf wrapper.syslog.ident=HostEmulator…
9679 ? Sl 0:00 /opt/attachmate/verastream/hostintegrator/servletengine/bin/./wrapper-linux-x86-32 /opt/attachmate/verastream/hostintegrator/servletengine/bin/../conf/container.conf wrapper.syslog.ident=servletcontainer…

Using atping

Use the following steps to verify that session server is running on a remote system and reachable over the network. This is particularly useful for testing connections through a firewall and can be performed by non-administrative users.

Note: The VHI atping utility is undocumented and available on UNIX/Linux systems only.

  1. At the shell command prompt, run the atping command from the /opt/attachmate/verastream/hostintegrator/bin directory using the following syntax:
atping <component> <servername> -d


    • <component> is either server or logger
    • <servername> is the system DNS host name or localhost

For example:

atping server –d
  1. The return value displayed will be 0 for success, 1 for failure, or 2 for a syntax error with the command line arguments.

Additional Information

Legacy KB ID

This article was originally published as Attachmate Technical Note 10054.